Securing the interest of every citizen who votes!transparent elections
Raise Your Torch and See For YourselfONE CITIZEN, ONE VOTE
Keep it simpleLegal Standing For Voters
Pre-certification Grievance Resolutionpublished Voter registration verification
Get RealBallot Chain of custody observation
Ballots are the currency of power!SHOW US THE CodE
Blind transparency is a non-starterVoting Exploit Remediation
True Vote Count Recovery!observed & BALANCEd ELECTION management office
Politics Free Voting SystemANTI-MOB-RULE DISTRICTING
Stop dividing communitiesvoTing Security rights
Who we are
The Organization for the Advancement of Voting Security (OAVS) is a non-profit advocacy, education, and research organization based in the USA. Our primary aim is to eliminate vulnerabilities in our local voting systems and ensure free, fair, fully transparent, and secure voting procedures for all future elections.
Working together
We bring together voting security scientists, advocates, scholars, organizations, legal teams, and individuals from across the USA to enable the exchange of knowledge and the collaboration required to accelerate the advancement and protection of voting security rights everywhere in the USA.
Our impact
We help election integrity advocacy groups who, like us, fight to protect the interest of every citizen who votes, the legal power of every ballot cast, and the full untainted election impact of every legal vote cast. Together, we collaborate, educate, and advocate to expose vulnerabilities in current voting systems, advocate for Citizen-level election transparency and oversight, and achieve greater adoption of voting security best practices in federal, state, and local elections.